I was out for a walk around a nearby lake on a dank, windy morning. The lake had small whitecaps and no activity. Then there it was … the last lone dock not yet removed for winter. With each change of season, one dock has to be first in and another (or the same one), the last out. Is it a hopeful thing around one more usable day? Is it a procrastination thing? Is it just needing help (and a good pair of waders) to get the job done?
All of the above filter into business. We keep things in a file (digital or physical) for years on the off chance we’ll need it for reference. Others, we continue to avoid until someone or something spurs us into action. Maybe it’s needing help to craft a solution. Or maybe it’s like taking the last cookie; no one wants to seem greedy.
But when you live where water quickly becomes ice and mangles anything in its path, you don’t want to be the dock still in the water. Because the dock doc doesn’t take health insurance.