— Trish Cowan, Copywriter
Social media is great in raising brand awareness. But that’s not enough. Ideally, it also needs to generate more engagement—and sales. So kudos to Kimberly-Clark this past Black Friday. The company used a simple coupon tactic to increase site visitors and click-throughs and raise some major money.
Yes, the coupon. Huggies offered a $1.50 off coupon to all its Facebook followers and on a microsite. If followers shared the deal over Facebook or Twitter or provided three email addresses, the coupon value doubled to $3. Now, $1.50 is a good savings. But double that? Definitely better. And definitely worth sharing.
And it was definitely worth Huggies’ while. The program generated off-the-board numbers for microsite visitors, click-throughs and email open rates. And an amazing 67 percent took the offer, hence earning more than $2.5 million in revenue.
What a great example of melding an old method with a new one. With darn good results. Got me thinking about texting a do-two-loads-of-laundry offer to my son to see what kind of results I can get …