Sara Voight recently joined the SMZ staff as Director of Finance and Administration. We sat down with Sara to ask her about her vision for our finance department’s future and get a little personal dirt as well.
What made you choose SMZ?
It was the sense of culture I got during the interview process. It felt like there was a lot of activity but it wasn’t tension filled. It felt like people were happy to be here. I did my homework and knew the firm’s reputation for integrity and I liked that it was a privately held, family-owned business.
How’s it going so far?
I love it. I feel comfortable, relaxed. Many coworkers have taken the time to help explain things. Every SMZ client is different so that helps tremendously. I’m also exceedingly grateful to Annerose Collard who held this position before me and was here at SMZ for 39 years. She was generous with her time and knowledge to get me up to speed as quickly as possible, and continues to be available as a resource to me even today.
What are some of your long-term goals for the SMZ finance department?
Simplifying things, both internally and externally for clients and our vendor partners including continued electronic updating of procedures. I also want members of our department to cross-train a bit more so that when they’re not in the office efficient workflow continues and they don’t have to worry their work is piling up. Long term I’ll seek to provide more in-depth analysis and strategy.
Who inspires you?
My father. He has always been an entrepreneur with a go- get-it attitude yet he’s laid back. He helped teach me how to communicate with people. Also, the neighborhood kids and parents I grew up with here in Troy. We were very close. The kids minded each other’s parents. And that paid off. The kids, the majority of who are products of public schools, have been hugely successful in their chosen work endeavors.
What do you do when you’re not crunching numbers?
I’m a walker, every day and up to 8 miles a day on the weekends. I love to read and am in a book club. My community work includes being an advisory committee member of Sanctum House which is getting close to opening a facility in northern Oakland County, Michigan. The mission of Sanctum House is to provide recovery support for victims of human trafficking. I also serve on the OCC Audit Committee Board, the Finance and Insurance Committees of the Jewish Federation of Metro Detroit, and was recently name a Board Member of Jewish Family Services.
What else should we know about you?
I’m curious about lots of different things. A sense of humor is huge for me and always appreciated.
(Also ask Sara about the time she unknowingly played flute for the Carpenters as a determined 10 year old.) And one more word: SCOTCH.